Tuesday, April 15, 2008

SEO Techniques - Techniques that Need to be Avoided

The search engines are aware of the many sneaky ways that webmasters (or search engine optimizers) try to achieve high ranks. In SEO industry, these sneaky activities are called as spamming techniques. If search engines discover that you are trying to cheat them by any of the following black hat SEO techniques, your site may be penalized! Your rank may be downgraded, or your page or even your whole site could be banned. Even if your site is never caught and punished, it’s very likely, we dare say inevitable, that you’re tricky SEO techniques will eventually stop working. The followings are few of those Black Hat SEO techniques that have been on the search engines’ no-no list for so long that they can safely be labeled as “Eternally Bad for your Site”.

When a search engine robot visits your site, it expects to see the same content that any normal human visitor would see. Cloaking is a method of identifying robots when they visit your site and showing them special, custom-made pages that are different from what human visitors see and only optimized for getting traffic for a particular search term which is not relevant to the page's content. This thwarts the search engines in their attempt to deliver the most accurate search results to their users. In the vast universe of website technology, there are sometimes valid reasons for showing different content to different entities. Tricking the search engines to give you higher ranks than you deserve is not one of them.

Duplicate content Are you the kind of person who thinks, “If one aspirin works, why not take two?” If so, you might be thinking that if one paragraph of keyword-rich text will help your ranks, why not put it on every page in your site? Or worse, if one website brings you sales, why not make a bunch of identical websites with different names and get even more sales? The problem with this kind of thinking is that it ignores the big headache it causes for searchers. If the search engines listed identical content multiple times, it would destroy the diversity of their results, which would destroy their usefulness to the searcher. So, if the search engines catch on to duplicate content schemes, they’re likely to knock you down in the ranks.

Keyword stuffing is the technique of adding a keyword list to the visible text on your page is not exactly scintillating copy. I am not talking about overly optimized text, which may come off as pointless and dry. I am talking about repeating the same word or words over and over again so that your page looks like an industry-specific grocery list. At best, sites that do this cause eyestrain for their visitors. At worst, they’re risking penalties from the search engines. There’s a place for your keywords list. It’s called your Meta keywords tag. Avoid Keyword Stuffing at all costs.

The spamming techniques that I discussed above are needed to be avoided if you really want to build a Search Engine friendly site. A site should be build for human visitors not for search engine spiders.


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