Thursday, September 4, 2008

Questions to ask your Web Host

Now-a-days website became very essential for any business as the number of interent users are increasing day by day. And if you are planning to own a website for your business, you need to purchase a website from a Web Host. In this post, I have discussed few questions that you should ask the hosting company before you purchase a website. And their answers of these questions will determine if this is the right website solution for you.

Technical Support:
1. How strong is their technical support division?
2. What do they provide?
3. When are they available?
4. Does tech support cost extra?

5. How secure is the site?
6. What type of protection do they offer?
7. How can they insure that unauthorized users will not compromise the integrity of your Web site?

8. How much storage do they offer?
9. A typical Web site uses between 20-30 MB.
10. Do they offer enough extra megabytes to for your business to grow into? 100MB is a good starting point.

14. Do they have a builder that you can manage easily?
15. What type of computer background do you need to design your site?
16. Do you have internal control over content and updates?

17. How many email aliases comes with your package?
18. Will they have your domain name in them for a more professional appearance?
19. What is the cost to add extra emails?
20. Are there any additional costs?

Search Engine Optimization:
21. Are search engine submissions included in your package?
22. How does it work?
23. Do you have internal control over content and updates?

24. What are the costs involved?
25. What are the initial setup fees and what do you get exactly?
26. What are the monthly maintenance fees are what do they cover?
27. Are there any additional charges?
28. If so, what are they and why?

29. Am I locked into a contract?
31. May I cancel at anytime?
32. Are there any penalty fees for switching or closing my account?
33. What happens to my content?

34. What makes them better than their competition?
35. Do they offer extra features, storage space, better technical support?
36. What exactly sets them apart?

For an added bit of information, if you are looking for web hosting company, then check out
mckremie. They are a professional web hosting company that offers 24/7 US based tech support. Rated one of the best web hosting companies for personal and business websites with cPanel, MySQL, RoR, Fantastico accepting Paypal. To know more about mckremie, visit their website


Anonymous said...

Another good question to ask is how many website use the same IP address. This can be a concern when it comes to search engine marketing.

Anonymous said...

Those are some great questions. I'm going o share these with a friend oy mine who works in this area.

Anonymous said...

Nice list of question. Thanks for sharing.

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